strewn like old bones,
keepers of knowledge,
givers of life,
now lay motionless.
What is there left in those redundant ribs to breathe?
What is the sadness in those smooth gnarled limbs?
What are the secrets held in their weathered whiteness?
They lay uncomfortably protruding from their rocky bed,
patiently waiting for flame to desperately search
within the cracks of their own existence.
The time has come.
flames advance,
satisfying their hunger,
exalting their victory in a frenzied celebration.
holding on to form is futile.
It is time to surrender knowledge,
surrender secrets,
to be transformed,
explosions of life.
Orange joy whirls and waltzes into the darkness
The music slows.
The lights are dimmed.
Warmth is fleeing.
Where is the force, which so ravenously devoured
the bones of life?
Where is the joy in this ceremony?
Charred remains.
The bones danced for their release from their imprisonment.
Their celebration came with passion.
The gentle breeze now caresses the blackened mound,
carefully lifting, supporting the fine, frail, grey particles
to their new beginnings.
To honour
To nourish
Contentedly repaying Mother Earth
for that which it had taken.
To return.
Julie Stephenson