I would like to share with you part of an email I wrote to a friend about my first day in Fort Lauderdale. I had this urge to write bubbling inside and this is the result. Enjoy! …
Not having a clue where I was, I fumbled around searching for the origin of some discordant melody and vibration – and found in my hand my phone with the words “7.00 am Alarm, Snooze” displayed on the front. Where on earth was I??? It took me a few breaths to work out I was actually in a motel in Fort Lauderdale….and was determined to get my body clock adjusted to local time. I stumbled to the toilet and sitting there I had this wave of disappointment overcome me.
You can read the rest of my adventure here by clicking the link (bold doesn’t seem to work so just click the following Italic words…MY FIRST DAY IN FORT LAUDERDALE