Struggles in the Shadows
Struggles in the shadows.
Sometimes the greatest struggles are found in the shadows,
where strength grows and grasps on to whatever it can
to support and nourish
what others only see, above
what is hidden.
This image is dedicated to a young woman I know who is struggling at the moment, and to all those who are struggling and gaining strength from deep within themselves; and dealing with things which no-one else has any comprehension of.
To all those who struggle in the shadows; perhaps give some thought to allowing and asking others to help be the soil to support your roots – to allow them to nourish you; nurture you and to support you with what you need.
And for all others who are feeling ok at the moment…. just have awareness that around you; perhaps some of your friends or family… and even those with whom you meet in the car park or in the shops; they too may be struggling in the shadows with something… so perhaps begin to offer something of yourself to others…even a smile….just in case they could do with some gentle support connecting with their own strength.