Over the next three posts I will offer you one suggestion per post, of ways to try to get yourself out of a photographic rut….and kick start your creative vision again.
Now this is going to test your committment and self discipline – and even your trust in me to have a go …. but to give yourself the best opportunity to learn from it, really give it a go and commit to trying it.
Go to a location with your camera WITHOUT a memory card in it. YES! You read correctly. WITHOUT a memory card…..or if you can’t take images without a card inserted….. make a committment NOT to download them by formatting your card before you get back into the car… and no sneak peeking..and no cheating.
AHHH.. some of you may be saying to yourself – well what is the point of taking images if you don’t look at the outcome or result of them? And that is my point entirely.
Many people who are in the photographic doldrums have forgotten about the ‘fun’ and enjoyment and experience of actually taking photographs. The outcome has become the focus of your attention rather than the process of engaging with an experience of visual observation and personal connection with a scene.
I would love to have some feedback for others to read after you have given it a try. You will be amazed at what you may connect with.
Give it a go… I will guarantee you will learn a lot about yourself in the process… and you will also be well on the way to addressing an impediment to creating wonderful images which reflect your personal voice.