Curve balls are those unexpected twists and turns in life which require alertness and awareness, because they can come out of nowhere and totally change the game plan!
I’ve had a few curve balls thown in my direction over the past month or so. No stories need to be told because EVERYONE has stories…. and EVERYONE has curve balls tossed toward them…. so I’m not moaning or requiring sympathy – just sharing how I am dealing with the unexpected – which could have the potential to smack me right in the face and knock me out – unless I am aware and do something so that I don’t land myself stunned and flat on my back on the field.
Yesterday I recognised what I have been doing over the past few weeks to make sure that I didn’t land myself stunned and flailing. As I collected our beautiful eggs from the ladies… which I must say is one of the most simple joys in life, holding a soft warm egg in my hands fresh from the nest…. I realised something.
I realised that these eggs were also ‘curved balls’. Now they weren’t the baseball curve ball from where the expression is derived…. but I saw small curved balls.
I saw curved balls of potential. The egg is a storage vessel for potential. Potential for life and growth.
I recognised looking at these eggs what I am implementing in my life to avoid being flattened. I am looking at the potential for problem solving and opportunities in each and every curve ball which has been thrown at me recently. I am looking at the potential for looking at things with a different perspective. I am looking at the potential for deeper understanding. I am looking at the potential for clarifying what I really want to do and the choices I need to make.
Rather than falling in a heap I unknowingly at the time just kept looking for the potential in every curve ball which came at me…. and I STILL am!
Through just looking at these beautiful eggs..these beautiful curved balls enabled me to recognise something about myself… that I had been looking at my life’s curved balls in different perspectives.. and also looking at them with the idea of what potential they had to offer my own growth and life.
Recognising this doesn’t mean things are going to be easy…. it just means for me that I have a deeper sense of peace knowing that I have learned a strategy to keep me from being knocked out. I now am more aware that I do look for the potential in life’s curve balls…. and will make a ‘note to self’ to remind myself of this should the curve balls being flung get REALLY big!!! 🙂