“Honey, I’m having trouble breathing” gasped out of Max’s struggling voice 2am New Years morning – after 4 previous visits to casualty in 3 days and sent home each time.
I then truly realised how important..actually imperative – the simple act of breathing is for life.
Max’s condition was very serious, but is improving. Hopefully in a week or so he should be out of hospital. More x-rays have been taken today, IV antibotics…. and now quietly waiting for a decision to be made tomorrow morning for surgery.
I have been confronted by the transience of life and given the opportunity to dig deep and connect with how I live my every breath.
This is a photograph of a whispy cloud which I converted to black and white. For me I connected with so many things in this image; one’s etheric nature… transcience and impermanence of life…. breathing and diffusion of oxygen…. and so much more. I was surprised at how such simple shapes and shades enabled me to connect with so much.