For those who followed my journey into the abyss and back after ticking the ‘recommended’ pop up on my computer which eventuated in destroying all my files; here is a collage of ‘fragments’ from Antarctica.
For those new to my Blog – if it were not for a Photo Rescue programme I would have absolutely not a single Photograph from South America and Antarctica. This programme’s approach was to destroy the file even more and then try to put the files back together. It did an amazing job….about a 50% success rate….which meant that for the 5 thousand or so photographs which were similar to the ones here – fragmented; I do have 5,000 to work with! 🙂
I deleted most of the many thousands of ‘duds’, and these ones I have used in this collage below were accidentally left orphaned in their folders. There was something intriguing about them. They were still part of my experience in Antarctica. I asked myself the same question of these images as I am doing with my others. “What part of me is …. fragmented?”