Have you ever had something revealed to you and it challenge your perception of the way you think it is??
I have been re-visiting my archives; and in my Antarctica photos there are images which challenge my memory of what I think Antartica is like… or “should” be like.
When one thinks of Antarctica – ice; cold; blue; white; penguins; isolation; space; are just some of the words which may come to mind. As I have been browsing through my images I am seeing differently than how I have seen before. Perhaps ‘time’ is taking a role in this – as it has been 14 months since experiencing myself in Antarctica. Perhaps time has given me the space to see things differently…and present a new reality which I had not envisaged before. My perception is being challenged by a new way of seeing…. and what I am seeing in front of me is different that what I thought….remembered …and even imagined.
Over the coming weeks… (perhaps even intermittently over the coming months 🙂 )… I would like to share with you some images which offer a new perspective of Antarctica.