I made a commitment to myself on Tuesday morning to look after my body more and get back into committed daily exercise. I have allowed all my travelling and art to disrupt my regular routine of swimming and walking. Tuesday was the day I hopped back into the pool and enjoyed my laps!!! Perhaps my renewed vigor had something to do with what was going on astrologically. When I was swimming I remembered the solstice, lunar eclipse and full moon were around this time of year. When I got home I found out they were all within 24 hours of each other.
In Australia our timezones range from UTC+7 hours to UTC+11 hours so the Summer Solstice will not fall on the same day as the full moon and the eclipse as it does in some other parts of the world. Here near Brisbane, on December 21 we will experience the full moon at 7:13 PM AEDT and the lunar eclipse at 7:17 PM AEDT but the Summer Solstice won’t occur until 10:38 AM AEDT on December 22, meaning we miss out on having this threesome all in the one day. These events coinciding within 24 hours of each other only only occur once every 300 – 400 years. Pity it was showery and the moon was not visible from my place.