Yesterday I ran the gauntlet before a late afternoon storm… and managed to go up NgunNgun whilst I could see the storm clouds approaching… and then went up NgunNgun a second time because I could see that the storm wasn’t as fierce as was predicted.
I was treated with beautiful light… silhouetted mountains and a time to reflect quietly – as there were very few people climbing the mountain. I think the storm warning scared them off.
For those of you who know me ..I don’t scare that easily… and I don’t shy away from adventure… nor challenges. I am facing a challenge at the moment, and going up the mountain a second time before the storm reminded me of my courage.. yet I also knew that I would be ok.
Driving home in the dark with flashing lightning and rumbles all around… I just wished it would rain. Storm rain. The sort of heavy rain which flushes things away. It didn’t. I don’t always get what I wish for.
No rain last night…but this morning.. just now before going to my yoga class; the clouds and soft rain has soothed some of my wishes.