What I do when something catches my eye – rainy afternoon in the bush.






Traversing time and place

intersecting meandering lives

together –




About the Author:
I am a Journeywoman. I live my life as an explorer. An adventurer. An Observer. An Artist. There is no differentiation between how I live my life and the art that is an expression of it. It is through my experience adventuring the unknown, that I learn more about myself. My aim through this connection is to live where my expression is fully in alignment with the essence of who I am. “In the field of Fine-Art Photography, Julie stands apart from others with the way she sees the world and expresses her connection within it. Julie Stephenson’s photographs are sublime. Her work is an expression of her deep connection; and a gift to the world.”


  1. Alexandria
    July 20, 2012

    Absolutely beautiful! I would never have expected these images to come from trees.
    The designs are just so perfect. Not that they are perfect but they feel so right! So appropriately placed. It’s like they speak to me. It’s like I know them, and I feel a sense of confirmation of connection. I really love it!!

    • Julie
      July 20, 2012

      I am so pleased Alexandria that you felt a connection and heard these images speak to you. I too heard them speak to me. I connected with myself..and saw the traces of individual lives connecting…. and traversing through time and place… which is what I said in the short poem i wrote.

      I saw my life traversing time…sharing experiences with others; coming together …then parting… each going our own ways…. and although there is much interaction, love and support from our family, friends and those with whom we meet…. I recognised through looking at the marks on these trees that my life journey is my individual path connecting with others; my guidance, and experience; so that I can feel an individual sense of fulfillment… and I can really only feel that for myself….alone.

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