I’m very excited to have online my new Skeinydipping website. I’ve been weaving blankets and wraps inspired by my journeys around the world; and for the past few weeks whilst we’ve been doing some landscaping and harvesting such abundance in my garden; I’ve had the idea that they should have their own space to be shown… and in three days… PRESTO… a new website up and running showing my beautiful artisan handwoven blankets and wraps. Pop to my link above and have a look.

New Skeinydipping website for my Hand-woven Blankets and wraps.
About the Author: Julie
I am a Journeywoman. I live my life as an explorer. An adventurer. An Observer. An Artist.
There is no differentiation between how I live my life and the art that is an expression of it.
It is through my experience adventuring the unknown, that I learn more about myself. My aim through this connection is to live where my expression is fully in alignment with the essence of who I am.
“In the field of Fine-Art Photography, Julie stands apart from others with the way she sees the world and expresses her connection within it.
Julie Stephenson’s photographs are sublime. Her work is an expression of her deep connection; and a gift to the world.”
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